The most recognizable part of the cannabis plant and the primary location of photosynthesis and transpiration. 

Before during and curing my weed, I remove the leaves.

Trim-run concentrates are made using leaves that were removed from the plant during the trimming process.

sativa leaf Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

What is a pot leaf?

A pot leaf is the part of the cannabis plant that channels energy from light through chlorophyll. This natural energy provides vital fuel for the cannabis plant and helps it to thrive. 

How many leaves does marijuana have?

The number of leaves and the number of points on each leaf of a marijuana plant depends on the type of cannabis. For example, Indicas are a 7 leaf plant while Sativas are  a 9 leaf plant. The marijuana leaf count on the less widely known Ruderalis plant is 5 leaves.

Types of weed plant leaves

There are two major types of pot leaves: fan leaves and sugar leaves. The fan leaves are the large leaves that contain very little trichomes. Differences in fan leaf size and width can indicate whether a plant is of the sativa, indica, or ruderalis variety. The sugar leaves are the small, trichome-covered leaves that surround the flower clusters and are typically trimmed off the plant after it has been harvested and dried. 

sativa vs indica leaves Photo by: Weedmaps

The leaves of the three types of cannabis, Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis, can be distinguished as follows:

  1. Sativa: Elongated and pointy in appearance, with nine points. 
  2. Indica: Broad and fan-like in appearance with seven points. 
  3. Ruderalis: Short and bushy in appearance. Contains much lower levels of THC and CBD compared to Sativa and Indica.

There are also wild weed leaf variations which do not follow the same identifying patterns as Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis leaves.

Can you smoke pot leaves?

Smoking weed leaves is a topic on which many people disagree, and thus marijuana buds remain the preferred part of the cannabis plant to smoke. Some pot leaves are treated with pesticidal chemicals including fertilizer, which means that you should avoid smoking them. Organic cannabis would be the preferred option if you want to smoke pot leaves. All you need to do is trim and dry your pot leaves to smoke them. But don't expect the same kind of high that you'll get with the bud as pot leaves contain lower levels of THC. 

What can you do with pot leaves?

Pot leaves, if clean and/or organic, are excellent for juicing as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, terpenes and cannabinoids. Omega fatty acids, fiber and flavonoids are also present in pot leaves, which makes them a highly nutritious ingredient in your morning green juice. Keep your pot leaves in their raw form and toss them into the blender with your favorite vegetables.

In addition, you can make cannabis leaf butter (also called cannabutter) with your pot leaves, notably sugar leaves which contain higher levels of trichomes. Alternatively, infuse your pot leaves into a healthy oil or salad dressing, such as an olive oil vinaigrette. You can even toss your pot leaves with lettuce into a salad or casserole. Finally, try brewing a cup of cannabis leaf tea for the ultimate relaxing experience. 

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The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. This page was last updated on July 13, 2021.