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Simply Cannabis 207

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About us

Here at Simply Cannabis 207 we provide our clients with fresh, top quality, locally grown, medical grade marijuana in the safest fashion as possible.  We guarantee to cater to all needs whether it's to calm a severe medical condition or to assist with common ailments/aches/pains etc.


We work with local farmers in this lovely state of Maine that grow several strains of organically grown cannabis tailoring toward all sorts of ailments, symptoms and diseases or whichever is best suited for our client's condition's, needs!  We now even have strain paperwork for our patients so this way they're aware of what they're what the product is and all of it's statistics!


All patients are REQUIRED to have a medical card issued and be 21 years or older and possess a valid State ID or drivers license to make any and all donations.  No children are allowed to be present during the time of any donations whatsoever. We are able to meet at any secure location of your choice as long as it's appropriate.

State License

  • Medical Nonstorefront CG1021235
  • Medical Nonstorefront 0274139

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