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Experience elevated moments with Baby Jane's high-end, indoor-grown flower. Indulge in exotic flavors that will sweeten and brighten every moment.


TASTE: Sweet, Earthy, Vanilla

FEELING: Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted

DESCRIPTION: If y'all have a sweet tooth, this one's for you! Bubble gum contains a sweet flavor with earthy undertones during exhale. Sit back, relax, and let this high take over you!

  • Sweet
  • Berry
  • Earthy
Effects & flavors are reported by users on our site. This is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any medical treatment.

Baby Jane
415 Favorites

Introducing Baby Jane - The newest line of Indoor Grown Exotic flower bred with the sweetest and gassiest terps around. 

Baby Jane - Where the gas is sweet!

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Bubble Gum

The exact lineage and genetics of Bubble Gum remain a mystery. However, the strain’s history began in Indiana, where its original grower gave three different Bubble Gum plants to three Netherlands breeders — Adam of T.H. Seeds, and Cerebral Seeds’ Simon and Tony (who eventually split to form Serious Seeds and Sagarmatha Seeds, respectively).

In the Netherlands, each breeder cultivated a slightly different Bubble Gum phenotype. Adam at T.H. Seeds describes his version as “mostly Indica,” while Simon at Cerebral Seeds considers his variation of the strain “mostly Sativa.”

It’s said to emit a sweet, bubble gum fragrance and carry a prominent strawberry flavor when it comes from feminized seeds.

Bubble Gum has won 13 awards, including 2nd at High Times Cannabis Cup in 1995, 1st Outdoor at Spannabis Cup in 2005, 1st Outdoor at Spannabis Cup in 2006 and 1st Hybrid at the 4th annual Jack Herer Cup in 2018.

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