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Super Sonic - 3.5G Top Shelf Indoor Flower

Rated as high potency.

West Coast Cure’s Super Sonic strain alters headspace faster than the speed of sound. An evenly balanced Hybrid flower with an energetic nose of citrus, gas, and earth, its high-octane flavor delivers a sonic boom for the senses. Trichome-loaded, dense, and ready for action, the bud's lofty terpene profile and powerful cannabinoids fuel the mind and relaxes the body. A productive daytime smoke with plenty of kick, Super Sonic’s effects fire-up the creative mind. 

*Product is available in both Glass Jars & Mylar bags depending on the business you purchased or ordered from.

West Coast Cure
96,302 Favorites

West Coast Cure brings years of connoisseur cannabis mastery to the table, effortlessly offering consumers the best marijuana experience. With an award-winning pedigree and that extra something special, West Coast Cure is the go-to cannabis label for the true connoisseur. It’s not something West Coast Cure works at; they simply have a Passion for Cannabis..

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