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Grape Pie Live Resin Wet Badder

Rated as high potency.

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Grape Pie Live Resin Wet Badder is a terpene-rich, Indica-dominant extract that combines the delicious terpene profiles of Grape Stomper and Cherry Pie. Grown by Cannarado Genetics and processed by WCC skilled hash makers, this live resin wet badder delivers a mouth-watering hit of robust flavor. Both fruity and doughy, a dab of this terpy extract expresses sweet undertones of grapes and berries with a smooth and creamy finish. Soothing and euphoric, Grape Pie's effects hit hard and fast. 

  • Grape
  • Berry
  • Earthy
Effects & flavors are reported by users on our site. This is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any medical treatment.

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West Coast Cure brings years of connoisseur cannabis mastery to the table, effortlessly offering consumers the best marijuana experience. With an award-winning pedigree and that extra something special, West Coast Cure is the go-to cannabis label for the true connoisseur. It’s not something West Coast Cure works at; they simply have a Passion for Cannabis..

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Grape Pie

Grape Pie comes from Colorado where breeders at Cannarado Genetics cross-pollinated a Grape Stomper plant and a Cherry Pie plant to form this relaxing strain whose pine flavor is punctuated with grape aftertastes. Best grown indoors, Grape Pie tends to produce a long-lasting euphoric, fluffy high with relieving effects.

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