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Grape Guava - 28g Premium Flower

Rated as high potency.

Grape Guava Premium Flower is a zesty Sativa-leaning hybrid boasting an enticing aroma of sweet berries and vanilla wafers. A cross of Regal Grape and Strawberry Guava, its palette is candy strawberries with traces of earthiness. Its light green buds come complemented by delightful peach hairs - all hiding beneath a coating of sticky white trichomes. This tantalizing strain offers users the perfect peaceful balance between creative euphoria and calming physical relaxation. 

West Coast Cure
96,380 Favorites

West Coast Cure brings years of connoisseur cannabis mastery to the table, effortlessly offering consumers the best marijuana experience. With an award-winning pedigree and that extra something special, West Coast Cure is the go-to cannabis label for the true connoisseur. It’s not something West Coast Cure works at; they simply have a Passion for Cannabis..

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