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Garlic Juice Live Rosin Fresh Press

Rated as high potency.

Garlic Juice Live Rosin Fresh Press provides a terpy dab of solvent-less funk and tropical gas! Cultivated By Southface Farms and extracted by WCC’s hash makers, Garlic Juice has a complex spiciness and a sharp citrus finish. Its overall flavor profile smacks of zesty garlic and cloves and finishes with Papaya’s sweet fruit notes. A heady rosin for sophisticated consumers with high expectations, its effects are powerful, relaxing, and extended.

West Coast Cure
94,880 Favorites

West Coast Cure brings years of connoisseur cannabis mastery to the table, effortlessly offering consumers the best marijuana experience. With an award-winning pedigree and that extra something special, West Coast Cure is the go-to cannabis label for the true connoisseur. It’s not something West Coast Cure works at; they simply have a Passion for Cannabis..

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