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Platinum Vape

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About us

Platinum is a leader in the ever-expanding legal recreational and medical cannabis markets. Headquartered in San Diego, Platinum products are available throughout compliant California, Michigan, Missouri, Arizona and Oklahoma dispensaries. Having been named the “number one vape in Michigan,” the brand is proud to serve the communities that make up some of the country's most diverse and dynamic cannabis markets. Platinum is committed to providing customers with premium, potent products. Its branding is one of the most recognized in the cannabis industry thanks to Platinum's playful, colorful packaging. Offering a plethora of ingestible and smokable cannabis products including vapes, flower, gummies and chocolate bars, Platinum is proud to offer a multitude of options for both the novice or experienced user. All Platinum products are third party lab tested for mold, pesticides and toxins unsuitable for consumption. 

State License

  • Adult-Use Retail 00000111ESTX14447382
  • Distributor C11-0000680-LIC