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Cepa resultante del cruce de las que posiblemente sean las dos mejores skunk del mercado. Por un lado, el mítico clon del colectivo Exodus, Cheese. Conocidísima y potente Afghana que debe su nombre a su aroma a queso. Por el otro, el famoso clon de critical Bilbo, velocísima productora de extremas y resinosas flores.
El resultado es Cheese +, una planta potente, rápida y muy aromática que produce abundantes y prietos cogollos. Su sabor es muy dulce y afrutado. Cheese + es muy indicada para todo tipo de extracciones ya sea con hielo, seco o gas, gracias a su abundante cantidad de tricomas que recubren sus cogollos y hojas.

  • Cheese
  • Blue Cheese
  • Skunk
Effects & flavors are reported by users on our site. This is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any medical treatment.

Pepita Seeds
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The Cheese strain is reportedly a phenotype of Skunk #1, a strain created by Sam “The Skunkman,” who brought it over from California to the Netherlands. From there, the Indica-dominant Cheese was bred and given notoriety in the United Kingdom in the late 1980s. Given the name “Cheese” as a signifier of its strong, cheddar-like flavor and aroma, the clone-only female is reported to have been crossed with Indica strains by several underground UK breeders for the proliferation of Cheese seeds.

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