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Aloha CBD Sidekick Sixpack

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Have you ever wanted your own sidekick? Well Pakalolo Supply Company has got you covered with the Sidekick Sixpack! Six tightly rolled 0.5 gram joints (3g total) that snugly fit in the included case which you can keep at your side at all times! 

Pakalolo Supply Company's Aloha CBD is the best on the market when it comes to CBD dominant strains. This indica offers a sweet tropical fruit aroma and flavor reminiscent of the Islands, with a balanced CBD/THC ratio that leaves you hangin' loose. 

  • Citrus
  • Flowery
  • Lemon
Effects & flavors are reported by users on our site. This is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any medical treatment.

Pakalolo Supply Company
341 Favorites

The Pakalolo Ohana has been working to preserve old school Hawaiian and Alaskan genetics that allow us to bring the Aloha Spirit to the Heart of Alaska to share with our patrons. These Strains descend from authentic Hawaiian landrace lineage that you can not find anywhere but at Pakalolo Supply Company in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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Aloha is a cultivar of unconfirmed origins thought to either be a landrace itself or directly descended from a landrace Hawaiian sativa.

The top reported aromas of the Aloha strain are citrus, pineapple, and herbs. It is said to taste of oranges and tropical fruit.

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