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Grapes & Cream [1g Single]

As the child of Grape Pie and Sundae Driver, this creamy cultivar delivers a super lip-smacking flavor and a potent high that leaves you deep in thought with a side of sweet sedation. Ideal for an after-dinner treat, Grapes & Cream has a dessert-like flavor that eases you into your evening. Expect to find yourself deep in thought as your body slowly softens into a sleepy state. 


Feelings: Cerebral, Relaxed, Happy

Flavor: Grapes, Ice Cream, Vanilla

Usage: Getting ready for bed, Playing video games, Kicking back

Glass House Farms
14,473 Favorites

We’re proud of what we grow. That’s why our expert cultivators craft our cannabis flower by hand, in state-of-the-art greenhouses, drenched in the SoCal sun. It’s about quality. Each flower is trimmed and packaged with exceeding care to deliver a consistently premium craft cannabis product. Every decision we make begins with how we can preserve the Central Coast’s rich history, honor the people we call our friends and neighbors and protect our local environment for future generations.

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