


Bred for its authentic bubblegum flavor by Nirvana Shop in the Netherlands, Bubblelicious is a sativa-dominant hybrid that offers light citrus notes. Its leaves and buds grow bright green and produce orange hairs with a frosty coating of trichomes.

Top reported effects

Top reported flavors

  • Skunk
  • Ammonia
  • Chemical

Grow information

A cross between an earlier strain of itself and Short Rider, Bubblelicious is known for its higher-than-average CBD levels, making it a good choice for both medical and recreational use. Bubblelicious has a flowering time of 70 to 84 days, though its vegetative period is shorter than the average cultivar. The breeders state that the branches continue to stretch during flowering time, and that’s the main reason to cut vegetative growth earlier. The auto-flowering seeds available through Nirvana Shop automatically shorten the vegetation cycle for optimal growth.


Nirvana Shop

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