How long does being high last?

The intensity and duration of a weed high depends on your body chemistry, consumption method, and dose. Depending on the product, weed can facilitate a range of mental and physical effects, from euphoria to increased appetite. 

Learn the science behind a cannabis high, what it feels like, and how to control its duration. 

What factors affect how long a weed high lasts?

Your reaction to cannabis will depend on your biological makeup, and different strains will produce different effects. 

Method of consumption

Various cannabis products in white bag Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

The primary factor in the duration of a cannabis high is the method of consumption. Here are the main cannabis product types, from longest-lasting to the shortest average duration of a high:

  • Smoking flower: When smoking flower, whether through a pipe, joint, or bong, the onset of the high is nearly immediate. THC levels peak within the first 30 minutes to an hour after inhalation, according to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine. In rare cases, the high from smoked cannabis can last several hours, though the intensity will likely decrease after the first hour. 
  • Dabbing concentrates: As with smoking flower, the effects from dabbing concentrates are nearly immediate, but the duration depends mainly on individual tolerance. Those who dab high-THC concentrates regularly may feel the effects wear off within one to three hours, while someone entirely new to dabbing may be wiped out for the day. 
  • Edibles: Before you can feel the effects of an edible, your digestive system has to first break it down, so the process is much slower compared to smoking and dabbing. THC gets metabolized through the liver and then enters the bloodstream, taking anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours for the effects to kick in. 

Tolerance and metabolism

Your THC tolerance and individual metabolism can influence the duration and intensity of a high, but they operate in different ways:

  • Tolerance: Frequent cannabis users can become less sensitive to its effects over time due to the body developing a tolerance. If you smoke weed daily, you may notice the need to consume more of it to achieve the same high you felt in your first session. 
  • Metabolism: Your metabolism plays a significant role in determining how quickly you process and eliminate THC. Your liver metabolizes THC into various compounds, including 11-hydroxy-THC, which is psychoactive and adds to the high. This metabolite is responsible for the longer, often sedating effects of THC-rich edibles. If you have a faster metabolism, you may process THC  quickly, leading to a shorter high; if you have a slower metabolism, the effects will likely linger. 

Endocannabinoid system

Endocanniboid system infographic Photo by: Weedmaps

The endocannabinoid system is the network of receptors, lipids, and enzymes that help the body maintain internal balance and regulate several functions. It's also the main factor for the individual high we each experience from cannabis.  

When consumed, cannabinoids produce an effect by binding to the body's CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors, where enzymes break them down. These receptors have genetic variations, which alter the effects of cannabis from person to person, including the duration of intoxication.


The dose you take — particularly with THC — greatly affects the duration of a high. 

  • Flower: Generally, cannabis flower with a THC content of 20% or more is considered strong. Taking a few puffs of a 30% THC joint may result in a much longer-lasting high than a few puffs of a 7% THC joint. 
  • Concentrates: Concentrates can contain THC percentages of 70% or more. Of course, THC percentages don't tell the whole story, but they provide a general idea of what you should expect — a much longer high. 
  • Edibles: The key factor when consuming edibles is the quantity of THC in the product, measured in milligrams (mg). For those new to edibles, two milligrams of THC may be enough to feel some effects, while THC-tolerant consumers may need 100 milligrams or more to feel elevated. Start with a low amount, like a quarter or eighth of the edible serving, and gradually increase it until you find the right level. Wait at least two hours before redosing because of the delay in effects. 

Other cannabis compounds

The specific combination of cannabinoids and terpenes in a given strain contributes to the complexity and nuance of a high, known as the entourage effect.

How long does it take for weed to kick in?

The time it takes for the effects of cannabis to kick in can vary depending on the method of consumption. 

Clock on orange background at 4:20 Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Here are the average onset times for consuming flower, edibles, and concentrates:

Smoking flower

  • Rapid onset: You may start to feel the effects within a few minutes of inhaling cannabis smoke
  • Peak effects: 10 - 30 minutes after consumption
  • Duration: 1 - 3 hours, with a gradual decline in intensity

Dabbing concentrates

  • Moderate to rapid onset: Concentrates provide a middle ground between flower and edibles in terms of onset. Depending on potency and amount, the effects can begin within minutes to around 10 - 15 minutes after consumption.
  • Peak effects: 15 - 60 minutes after consumption
  • Duration: 1 - 3 hours, with a gradual decline in intensity

Eating edibles

  • Delayed onset: Consuming cannabis edibles has a much slower onset. It can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours or more to feel the effects after ingestion.
  • Peak effects: 2 - 4 hours after consumption
  • Duration: 4 - 8 hours or longer, depending on dose and metabolism

What does being high feel like?

Similar to the longevity of a weed high, specific attributes will vary from person to person and strain to strain. How you experience certain strains, doses, and product types may also evolve as your tolerance increases or your body chemistry changes.

Most popular cultivars have a general list of qualities that most people will experience, from hunger to cerebral stimulation. The stated effects of any strain, however, are more predictions and anecdotes than hard-and-fast rules. The actual high will affect your mind and body uniquely.  

It also evolves as it winds down — no matter how stimulating or relaxing it starts, the more euphoric aspects will wane, and sleepiness typically replaces it as the high evaporates.

How to make your high last longer

You can potentially make a weed high last with the following products and techniques:

  • Infused pre-rolls: Infused pre-rolls have concentrates added to them in addition to cannabis flower. Smoking these higher-potency joints can increase the intensity and length of a high. 
  • Consume edibles: Edibles, like gummies, may result in a longer-lasting high than smoking or vaping. The effects can last several hours since the cannabinoids are metabolized in the liver.
  • Increase dosage: Start with a lower dose and gradually increase it as needed. Higher doses can lead to longer and more intense highs but also increase the risk of adverse effects, so exercise caution. 
  • Dab concentrates: If you typically smoke, dabbing concentrates can provide a more potent and longer-lasting high. 
  • Eat before smoking: Food with high fat content has been shown to increase absorption of cannabinoids fourfold. Try eating a balanced meal before consuming cannabis to help prolong the effects.
  • Take a tolerance break: If your tolerance has built up lately and your highs don't last as long as they used to, consider taking a week-long break to make future highs last longer.

How do you sober up from weed?

When sobering up from weed, the most effective approach is to wait it out. The duration of a cannabis high varies depending on factors like the method of consumption, amount of THC you consumed, and individual tolerance, but it typically lasts a few hours. Stay in a comfortable and familiar environment, relax, and stay hydrated during this time. If you are too high, eating something with black pepper can help. 

Fruit being chopped on cutting board Photo by: Gina Coleman/Weedmaps

Try pleasant, distracting activities, such as watching a movie or listening to music, to help pass the time. Avoid consuming additional cannabis, as this can prolong the high. Deep breathing exercises and fresh air may offer relief if you're feeling overly anxious or uncomfortable. Remember: the effects of cannabis will eventually subside as your body metabolizes the cannabinoids, and you will return to a sober state.

Bottom line

How long a high lasts depends heavily on the consumption method, THC dosage, and your personal body chemistry. The best way to see how long a weed high lasts for you is to experiment with low doses and gradually increase until you find the precise high you're looking for. 

By being open to experimentation and exercising caution, you can have a unique, pleasurable experience with many incredible strains

This article was reviewed by Bonni Goldstein, MD, a physician specializing in cannabis medicine in Los Angeles, California, owner and medical director of CannaCenters, and medical advisor to

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The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. This page was last updated on October 19, 2023.