Omni Medical Services

Omni Medical Services

(866) 417-2002
3903 Northdale Blvd. Suite #100E Tampa, Florida 33624
At a glance

Get your Florida Medical Marijuana card with a 70-day recommendation plus two 70 day refills for only $199.00. No hidden fees.

In the Tampa area, Omni Medical Services is the place to go for your medical marijuana recommendation.

Since 2014, Omni Medical Services has striven to be the standard of care for medical marijuana recommendations for our patients. As one of the premier providers in medical marijuana certifications in Florida, Omni Medical Services consists of a team of compassionate and knowledgeable physicians that specialize in providing safe, affordable, and reliable access to patients.

Get your Florida Medical Marijuana card with a 70-day recommendation plus two 70 day refills for only $199.00. No hidden fees.

In the Tampa area, Omni Medical Services is the place to go for your medical marijuana recommendation.

Since 2014, Omni Medical Services has striven to be the standard of care for medical marijuana recommendations for our patients. As one of the premier providers in medical marijuana certifications in Florida, Omni Medical Services consists of a team of compassionate and knowledgeable physicians that specialize in providing safe, affordable, and reliable access to patients.


We at Omni Medical understand that sometimes, your pharmaceutical options for the management of your pain and discomfort just aren't enough. Our solution to that problem is to provide safe and reliable medical marijuana recommendations focused specifically on the needs of patients seeking discreet evaluations.

Omni Medical Services monitors Florida State and Federal Medical Marijuana Guidelines. We remain up to date on the most recent legislation regarding medical marijuana and your rights as a patient. Our licensed doctors, caregivers, and administrative assistants are handpicked and knowledgeable about medical cannabis certifications and patient fulfillment and will keep you up-to-date throughout the entire process.

Omni Medical Services is a major sponsor of the Veterans for Cannabis Cannheal Program.

We at Omni Medical understand that sometimes, your pharmaceutical options for the management of your pain and discomfort just aren't enough. Our solution to that problem is to provide safe and reliable medical marijuana recommendations focused specifically on the needs of patients seeking discreet evaluations.

Omni Medical Services monitors Florida State and Federal Medical Marijuana Guidelines. We remain up to date on the most recent legislation regarding medical marijuana and your rights as a patient. Our licensed doctors, caregivers, and administrative assistants are handpicked and knowledgeable about medical cannabis certifications and patient fulfillment and will keep you up-to-date throughout the entire process.

Omni Medical Services is a major sponsor of the Veterans for Cannabis Cannheal Program.

First-time customers

Medical documentation is required. Submission of medical paperwork before or at the appointment to receive a medical marijuana certification. 

Veterans discount available.

Omni DNA testing powered by CannaGX.

Medical documentation is required. Submission of medical paperwork before or at the appointment to receive a medical marijuana certification. 

Veterans discount available.

Omni DNA testing powered by CannaGX.


Get your Florida Medical Marijuana card with a 70-day recommendation plus two 70 day refills for only $199.00. No hidden fees.

Get your Florida Medical Marijuana card with a 70-day recommendation plus two 70 day refills for only $199.00. No hidden fees.