Weed dispensaries in Scottsdale, AZ

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Weed dispensaries in Scottsdale, AZ

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Average price of an 8th in Scottsdale and Tempe

The average price of an 8th in Scottsdale is $44, while in Tempe, it is $50. Some of the strains in Scottsdale at $44 include; Forbidden Jelly, Ice Cream Cake, Sundae Driver, and Jenny’s Kush. Strains that go for $50 in Tempe include; Crunch Berries, Purple Pinot, Tropic Fire, Mimosa, and Tropical Cookies. Other strains are Afghani at $37, Girl Scout Cookies at $50, and Ghost Train Haze at $42.

Most popular strain in Scottsdale/Tempe

The most popular strain in both Scottsdale and Tempe is Larry OG. It's an aromatic indica-dominant hybrid with orange hairs and gleaming crystals. Girl Scout Cookies is another strain highly sought-after in Scottsdale and Tempe. It is also an indica-dominant hybrid that has a sweet, earthy taste.

Laws and regulations in Scottsdale/Tempe

  • Adults 18 years and above can possess a medical marijuana card if they have a diagnosed condition proved by a qualified physician.

  • Adult-use, or recreational, cannabis is illegal in Scottsdale and Tempe. If found in possession of cannabis without a medical marijuana card, you’ll face felony charges.

  • Medical marijuana patients can grow up to 12 cannabis plants, with no more than three mature or flowering, in an enclosed facility with locks if there is no dispensary within 25 miles of their homes.

  • It's illegal to purchase marijuana without a medical marijuana card unless you are a registered caregiver. You can buy a maximum of 2.5 ounces (70.8 grams) every two weeks.

  • It is illegal to drive a car under the influence of cannabis products.

  • It is illegal to consume cannabis products in public unless they are in edible form. All cannabis smoking by medical marijuana patients must take place in a private residence.


Flower/concentrate/edible possession limit in Scottsdale/Tempe

The possession of cannabis in Scottsdale and Tempe is limited to 2.5 ounces (70.8 grams) every two weeks. Cultivation of marijuana is allowed in Scottsdale and Tempe. Medical marijuana patients can grow up to 12 plants, with no more than three mature and flowering, if their residence is not within 25 miles of a dispensary.

Difference between a storefront and dispensary

A storefront sells adult-use, or recreational, cannabis products to consumers who are of legal age depending on the state it is located while a dispensary offers cannabis derivatives to patients with a medical marijuana card. Patients below legal age can be served in a dispensary in the presence of a caregiver. 

A dispensary has a waiting room where patients sit before getting served by a budtender in the salesroom. A storefront, on the other hand, is like a normal retail store and doesn’t need to have a waiting room. 

Difference between adult-use, or recreational, and medical

Adult-use, or recreational, cannabis is used for enjoyment without medical necessity, while medical cannabis is consumed to treat a chronic condition or underlying symptoms under the guidance of a physician. Adult-use cannabis is not legal in the state of Arizona.

Medical benefits in Scottsdale/ Tempe

  • Medical patients can possess up to 2.5 ounces (70.8 grams) of marijuana every two weeks.

  • Medical patients 25 miles away from the nearest dispensary are allowed to cultivate a maximum of 12 plants.

  • Medical marijuana products have waived taxes to be more affordable for patients.  

  • Patients can travel across the region while in possession of cannabis products without any risk of getting arrested as long as they have a medical marijuana card.

Medical marijuana information Scottsdale/Tempe

Medical marijuana patients must be a resident of Arizona with an address and a valid government-issued ID showing proof of residency. A bank statement, utility bill or any other document that proves the patient resides in Arizona works if the patient has no Arizona ID.

Medical marijuana patients must obtain medical records from a licensed physician showing a diagnosis of a chronic condition. These patients should then present the records to the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS).

The patient then registers into the medical marijuana registry to receive a medical marijuana identification card.

Where does Scottsdale/Tempe cannabis tax revenue go?

The tax revenue from both Scottsdale and Tempe helps the local and the states government to improve the lives of their citizens. Part of the money goes into rehabilitation programs in Scottsdale and Tempe. Another portion is used to provide employment to ex-convicts and empower medical marijuana farmers through subsidized loans.