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Ethos Cookies - Littles 1/8TH

Rated as high potency.

Ethos Cookies (Hybrid), is a cross between Mandarin Cookies #17 x Colin OG #1. THC : 20-25%. Terpene Profile: caryophyllene, humulene, liomene. Bred by Ethos Genetics

  • Earthy
  • Pepper
  • Mint
Effects & flavors are reported by users on our site. This is for informational purposes only and not intended as medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing any medical treatment.

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We are a fully licensed, vertically intergrated company specializing in the production, manufacturing and distribution of compliant, recreational high-end cannabis products.

Our mission and promise is to deliver superior products that exceed our client's expectations at reasonable prices. We are dedicated to providing our customers a diverse line of products that reflect the demands of a sophisticated market. Collectively our core team has over 100 years of cultivation expertise! As we expand as a company we seek to partner up with dispensaries and delivery service providers in a mutually beneficial capacity as demand grows.


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Ethos Cookies

Ethos Cookies, the original, was created by Ethos Genetics when they crossed Mandarin Cookies #17 with Colin OG #1. There are several versions of Ethos Cookies, like Ethos Cookies R2 and RBX, which are crosses of various Ethos Cookies phenotypes.   

The top reported aromas of Ethos Cookies are cinnamon, hops, and citrus. And it is said to taste similar.

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